Diversity As “Racial Parity”?

Critics of “diversity”-justified racial preference have long maintained its real goal was “racial balance for its own sake,” which has repeatedly been held unconstitutional. Now it seems that its defenders agree with our criticism.

At This Rate, Faculty Diversity Will Never Reach Parity,” an article two days ago in the Chronicle of Higher Education under the heading, “Racial Representation,” begins as follows:

For over a decade, colleges have committed (and recommitted) to diversity, equity, and inclusion among faculty. But how close is higher education as a sector to achieving the goal of racial parity?

According to a new study, the increasing diversity of tenure-track faculty is barely keeping up with that of the U.S. population. At the current rate, the study’s authors wrote, higher education will “never achieve demographic parity among tenure-track faculty.”

Case closed.

Say What?