Who Makes Law?

Roll Call reports that “Obama Poised to Tighten Gun Laws After Holidays.”

Senior congressional aides and sources in the gun-control community expect the White House to use its executive powers to tighten federal gun laws shortly after President Barack Obama returns from a Hawaiian vacation in early January.

Funny, I thought Congress wrote the laws and the president enforced them. President Obama, however, seems to have learned a different approach at Harvard Law School: he refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like and writes new ones he likes when Congress won’t.

Liberals, who used to denounce this sort of behavior as the “imperial presidency,” like it when the emperor is a Democrat.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO December 28, 2015 at 4:04 pm | | Reply

    I was under the impression that “making law” was insignificant, when an appointed Attorney General, (under instruction)
    can either “Make stuff up”, OR um…..decide that
    “Nah….we’re not going to pursue THAT, for the person/ group named, THIS time.”

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