Are Women Preferred Or Underrepresented In STEM?

Two influential Cornell psychology professors have hit the hornets’ nest housing academics concerned with the “underrepresentation” of women in STEM fields with a stick, arguing in recent research that in fact women are preferred 2-1 in hiring for assistant professor-level jobs. They have insisted in subsequent research, however, that this preference should not be viewed as a criticism of affirmative action, which they defend.

I invite you to take a look at my discussion of this heated if confusing controversy in a new essay on Minding the Campus, “Women Favored 2-to-1 in STEM Hiring.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO November 6, 2015 at 7:16 am | | Reply

    But…but…I thought that the original reference to
    Affirmative Action (SCOTUS)implied that accident-of-birth, (or, apparently, subsequent self-diagnosis) NOT be “the decider” in bestowing “importance” or “value”.
    I could be wrong of course.

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