Scandalous Scandal Behavior

On Powerline yesterday Paul Mirengoff blasted the Obama administration’s shoddy but by now not surprising attempt, via its assistants at the Washington Post, to shift the blame for its Benghazi talking points disaster to … David Petraeus.

However, Mirengoff continued, “Team Obama’s attempts to shift blame to David Petraeus aren’t the worst part of the Benghazi scandal.”

Indeed, it runs well behind (1) the administration’s failure to heed warnings to beef up security at our facilities in Libya; (2) the fact that Obama apparently took a powder on the night of the crisis; (3) the subsequent cover-up, including the scrubbing of the talking points and the invention of the video as the motive for the attacks, (4) the subsequent mistreatment of whistleblowers, and (5) the failure of the administration so far to move against individuals it knows participated in attacking our facilities.

This list, damning though it is, doesn’t go far enough; it omits perhaps the most damaging thing we’ve learned, so far, about the Obama administration’s dereliction of duty, a “revelation” that Democrats object to as a “leak” that never should have been made public. “Democrats,” The Hill reports, accuse House Republicans of

leaking a constant drip-drip of damaging allegations about Benghazi over the past few weeks. These include the revelation that the Obama administration ordered a special forces team in Tripoli to stand down before the attack was over.

Democrats regard this “revelation” — say it ain’t true, Ranking Member Cummings! — as a “drip” that proper plumbing should have prevented. (Where, the Democrats must be asking themselves, are the plumbers when you need them?)

A few days ago I argued — in “A Big Reason Obamagates Will Never = Watergate” — that “it is impossible to imagine” today’s Democrats ever abandoning Obama the way Republicans finally abandoned Nixon “no matter what it may be proved he knew and when he knew it.” Further evidence of this sad conclusion is that what angers Democrats now is the “revelation,”  not the fact, that American troops were ordered not to defend Americans under attack.

And where exactly was the Commander In Hiding when this order was given? No one will say.



Say What? (1)

  1. Frank Scarn May 28, 2013 at 11:50 am | | Reply

    “conclusion is that what angers Democrats now is the “revelation,” not the fact,”


    That remark could be said of so many things in this upside-down society. To observe that blacks commit most of the crimes (mostly on other blacks btw) is to be racist, not the fact of the high amount of crime. Or to observe that 70% or more of out-of-wedlock (or even the “committed relationship”) births of black females is again to be racist, not the alarming fact that these children are destined to the mother-only family “structure” and all the adverse consequences that comes with it. To show pictures of the aborted unborn is unfeeling, cruel; but the actual reality of abortion itself is ignored. Similar dismissal of the serious and deadly consequences of Islam, and of allowing, actually bringing, Muslims to Western societies (Stockholm anyone?). But the sin is actually bringing core Islamic teachings to the fore.

    It’s the actual showing or telling of the results of the Left’s handiwork that so bothers liberals, Democrats.

    As Pam Geller says, Truth is the new hate speech.

Say What?