An Honest Call For Quotas

Virtually all defenders of race preference and other affirmative action programs that in practice amount to quotas deny that they support quotas. They just want race or sex or ethnicity to be “considered”, they say, or “taken into account,” they say, although to the last person they would be up in arms if there were no rewards based on race or sex or ethnicity after the consideration and account-taking were done.

Not so Dr. Sasha Galbraith, writing on the Huffington Post: “Quota Me on This: U.S. Companies Should Enact Board Quotas.”

“Should the United States jump on the female quota bandwagon?” she asks.

Norway has had a quota law in place for the past four years stipulating that all publicly traded companies must have between 33 and 50 percent women on their boards of directors (depending on size). France and Spain are enacting similar laws — minus the penalties….

So, there’s a “bandwagon” for female quotas? Do Norway, Spain, and France a bandwagon make? Even if you add the Democratic Party to this European list (which, based on its delegate selection rules, you should), is there really have a female quota bandwagon?

“Typically,” Dr. Galbraith writes, “I’m nota fan of quotas or other affirmative action programs.” But clearly her typical opposition has nothing to do with small things like a principled belief in equality, since she’s so willing to make an exception to her typical opposition in order to get more women on corporate boards.

Say What?