Obama Plays Race And Bigot Cards

Even NPR is now blasting Obama for his hypocrisy over campaign finance and even for playing the race and bigot cards.

In a Jacksonville fund raiser (why does he still need fund rasiers?), he accused his opponent of preparing to run a racist and bigoted campaign. According to Messiah Obama, criticizing his lack of experience is racist fear-mongering.

Besides, I don’t see why he’s worried that his opponent or anyone else will say his resume is a bit thin for a presidential candidate. Are these Republicans really too dumb to know that in his two years in the Senate he wrote and published his second campaign autobiography?


Responding to Obama’s pre-emptively thin-skinned racial grievance, Protein Wisdom offers some words of wisdom:

[Obama] is sounding about as post-racial as the Rev. Al Sharpton. Or about as post-racial as someone who spent the last 20 years under the spiritual tutelage of the race-baiting Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Fr. Michael Pfleger. Someone with that background ought to have some humility when it comes to dealing the race card, but he has chosen it as his opening gambit….

UPDATE II: Seal The Deal

Obama (he of wide and deep experience and accomplishment and non-descript color — I say these things to prevent being called a racist and a bigot) is not yet the official nominee of his party, much less president, but he has nevertheless had a nice, new presidential-looking seal designed for himself.

But Barack Obama’s crowd has decided not to wait for any of the formalities like a presidential election, an inauguration or even a nomination, which he still hasn’t actually officially won yet….

Obama now has his own Great Seal already. And it is really, really big. It’s big like the tires on those elevated pickups in the parking lot at NASCAR races where you look out the car window and see nothing but fist-sized lug nuts.

But really, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Every Messiah needs his own seal.

Say What? (4)

  1. revisionist June 21, 2008 at 7:54 pm | | Reply

    I have a vision of a Republican TV ad for someone other than McCain for President.

    A succession of faces of different hues, genders

    Male 1: I am an American, my parents were refugees from Vietnam.

    Female 1: I am an American, my great-grandparents were refugees from Armenia.

    Male 2: I am an American, my parents were Holocaust survivors.

    Female 2: I am an American, my parents were interned at Manzanar.

    Female 1: Like Barack Obama’s father, many of our parents came from a foreign land. But we are all Americans who demand no special privileges or treatment based on our race. We stand against failed Democratic Party policies such as bilingual education and affirmative action that have been used to divide us and destroy the shared national identity we want.

    Barack Obama believes we must all be categorized by our parents’ race and language. But Republican candidate (Insert name here) believes in E Pluribus Unum — out of many one. In the words of Ronald Reagan, he believes that our destinations are more important than our origins. Vote for (Insert name here) for President.

  2. Brett Bellmore June 22, 2008 at 7:42 am | | Reply

    I notice, as will a lot of people, that he chose to take the American flag out of his seal. That really resonates well with the lapel pin thing, doesn’t it?

  3. dchamil June 22, 2008 at 10:16 am | | Reply

    E Pluribus Unum referred to the union of the 13 states. It did not refer to a uniting of the various races.

  4. Dom June 23, 2008 at 2:35 pm | | Reply

    Sorry, dchamil. From Wikipedia:

    Originally suggesting that out of many colonies or states emerge a single nation, it has come to suggest in contemporary times that out of many peoples, races, and ancestries has emerged a single people and nation – illustrating the concept of the melting pot.

Say What?