“Diversity” Quote Of The Day

From today’s Portland Oregonian:

Clackamas County’s new diversity manager says he will “maximize what differences bring to a community.”

Perhaps Clackemas County’s new motto could be, “What A Day A Difference Makes!”

Say What? (3)

  1. Dom September 27, 2007 at 2:48 pm | | Reply

    I was about to ask, “Why does a county need a diversity manager”, but then I read the article:

    “The county needs a diversity manager, [Wheatfall] said, because demographics and the workplace are constantly changing, and the county needs to take advantage of peoples different backgrounds and personalities.”

    And from the same article:

    “In his new position, Wheatfall makes $71,000 a year plus benefits.”

    Like my father used to say: “I’m in the wrong business!”

  2. mikem September 27, 2007 at 3:58 pm | | Reply


  3. Shouting Thomas September 28, 2007 at 9:17 am | | Reply

    A county needs a diversity manager as a hedge against lawsuit and administrative penalties.

    At least, that’s how this scam got started.

    The EEOC, political parties and single interest political groups comb through corporate and institutional records for evidence that employment meets the desired sexual and racial quota goals. Any deviation from these goals is likely to produce lawsuit or some sort of institutional penalty.

    Boards, managers and CEO needed some way to prove that they were devoted to meeting quota goals. Thus, the birth of the diversity manager.

    The problem with the diversity manager is that he/she must justify his/her existence by discovering the racism and sexism that provide the justification for the job.

    So, the Board, manager, CEO discover that they have actually been provided the rope to produce their very own noose. The diversity manager immediately sets out to create the very problem that he/she was supposedly hired to cure. After all, without racism and sexism, what use is the diversity manager?

    So, the comedy/tragedy/scam is self-perpetuating. I suspect that salaries for diversity managers will get fatter. Sky’s the limit. If your child has a useless degree in the humanities, you would do well do advise him/her to enter this fast growing field.

Say What?