“Diversity” In Law Schools? Not!

Peter Schuck of Yale Law School, whose views on “diversity” I discussed here, here, and here, has a long, must-read article on the lack of diversity on elite law school faculties in the American Lawyer. (HatTip to InstaPundit)

As I said in the last “here” linked above, “[i]f I quoted only the good parts, I

Say What? (4)

  1. Pat A December 1, 2005 at 8:41 pm | | Reply

    I much prefer Thomas Sowell’s views on affirmative action and diversity. He said he was glad he made it into college, and started his very successful career, prior to the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action. Otherwise, he would have doubted that he made it on his own merits. Which he did.

    The “Great Society” legislation has proven to be a failure and created the “welfare-dependent” society. Sowell and Bill Cosby are right on about the ills of social engineering. France is a prime example of this failure.

  2. Dom December 2, 2005 at 10:10 am | | Reply

    The irony you point to at the end can also be found among journalists. It is sometimes said that politics should not be occluded from reporting, that a good journalist should bring up such issues as rascism, or homophobia. But this only applies to liberal views, it seems. A conservative jounalist is always accused of bias.


  3. actus December 2, 2005 at 11:34 am | | Reply

    and 2/3 of the federal judiciary are GOP appointments. Wanna empty out the democrats from law schools? vote democrats into office.

  4. Sandy P December 2, 2005 at 4:04 pm | | Reply

    In actus’ world.

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