It’s Not Just California…

Writing about California recently (I had just returned), I observed:

there is a laid back, virtually libertarian, non-judgmental toleration — no, celebration — of just about any and all “life styles,” of “diversity” in almost any form … except for one: Republicans, who are obviously so noxious that the vaunted non-judgmentalism is regularly discarded in discussing them (usually from a distance).

But it’s not just California. Edward Feser writes, reviewing a new book by Penn prez Amy Guttman:

Modern liberalism has a paradoxical tendency to promote both excessive individualism in the realm of private behavior and a stifling conformity of thought and action in the public sphere. This reflects its concern to harmonize its favored conceptions of liberty and equality. The liberal wants everyone to be as free as possible to pursue his own values and interests unimpeded by either law or social convention, but takes this to entail a regime of antidiscrimination measures that in many cases effectively prohibit even private organizations from favoring certain patterns of thought and behavior over others, lest some individual find himself disadvantaged by virtue of his adherence to an unpopular manner of thinking or acting.

Liberals are, accordingly, criticized both for promoting too much freedom and for allowing too little. In particular, they are accused of attempting to impose, in the name of equal freedom for all ways of life in modern democratic societies, a radical egalitarianism that effectively allows no one to disapprove of anyone else

Say What? (7)

  1. actus July 6, 2005 at 9:23 pm | | Reply

    “In particular, they are accused of attempting to impose, in the name of equal freedom for all ways of life in modern democratic societies, a radical egalitarianism that effectively allows no one to disapprove of anyone else

  2. Anita July 7, 2005 at 11:14 am | | Reply

    Liberals tolerate the intolerant without any difficulty, as long as the intolerant is not white, western, christian, or jewish.

  3. Richard Nieporent July 7, 2005 at 11:19 am | | Reply

    Liberals know there’s no such thing as, for example, tolerating the intolerant.

    And of course it is Liberals that get to define what is intolerant. How perfect!

  4. Stephen July 7, 2005 at 1:12 pm | | Reply

    I’ve been reading this fellow quite frequently lately:

    The tyranny of liberalism is his subject. He answers some questions I’ve been trying to answer for some time, the most important of which is “Why are all traditional human arrangements under attack and seemingly indefensible?”

  5. actus July 7, 2005 at 1:48 pm | | Reply

    “Liberals tolerate the intolerant without any difficulty, as long as the intolerant is not white, western, christian, or jewish. ”

    I doubt liberals would sit idly by while a non-white person went about on a gay bashing rampage, for example.

  6. Scott July 7, 2005 at 7:46 pm | | Reply

    “Liberals know there’s no such thing as, for example, tolerating the intolerant.”

    Yeah, like when Harry Belafonte called Colin Powell a house slave, and Tel Rall called Condi Rice a house nig***. Wait… never mind.

    “I doubt liberals would sit idly by while a non-white person went about on a gay bashing rampage, for example.”

    Don’t bet the house on it, Actus. We both know that condemnation of some disgusting behavior by non-whites has been sacrificed at the alter of “cultural understanding”.

  7. Tom McMahon July 14, 2005 at 1:31 am | | Reply

    Modern Liberalism

    An excerpt from Edward Feser:Modern libe

Say What?