More On Religious Disparate Impact

Juan Non-Volokh writes:

I think it is fair to say that at least some Democratic Senators

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  1. actus April 27, 2005 at 9:14 am | | Reply

    “While I would not call this anti-Catholic bigotry, it is quite anti-Catholic in effect.”

    Keeping anti-death penalty catholics off juries is considered proper. I wonder why not judges. Perhaps because of the specter that, in the parlance of the day, they would go beyond the constitution and cite foreign vatican precedent.

    Although I don’t quite believe that the problem is one of being against people of faith.

  2. Ken April 27, 2005 at 3:03 pm | | Reply

    The church does not require anyone ignore the law to follow belief.

    It does expect those who find themselves unable to follow the law because of belief will remove themselves from office or the bench.

    And Catholics are not to advocate laws that defy belief. But advocacy is much different from complying with the law.

    In law the word “murder” means the unlawful, deliberate killing of a human. Since abortion is legal it cannot be “murder” in the courtroom.

    So nominees should be asked if they will follow the law on abortion and not what they think of abortion.

    Using the word murder is a cheap attempt to personally harm the nominee. He/she knows full well that the community uses a looser definition of murder and many will not understand whatever answer he/she gives.

  3. df April 29, 2005 at 10:23 am | | Reply

    Catholics and other fundamentalist christians are hostile to gays, women who choose abortion, etc. What’s wrong with being hostile to Catholics? They have a morality based on delusion (there’s a guy in the sky who had a son by a virgin). They are unbelievably hypocritical – the men in dresses wink at priests who rape boys but are opposed to making condoms available to consenting adults.

    Why should the left be tolerant of delusional, hypocritical repressed homosexuals (like frauline ratzinger)?

    What am I missing here?

  4. John Rosenberg April 29, 2005 at 1:14 pm | | Reply

    What am I missing here?

    Oh, I don’t know. As between good sense and good taste it’s a close call.

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