Coretta Scott King: AA Helps White Women

According to an article in the Michigan Citizen, Coretta Scott King told a gathering at the Troy, Michigan, Standard Federal Bank’s second diversity celebration that

those opposed to [affirmative action] are distorting the facts because

Say What? (3)

  1. Stephen May 7, 2004 at 11:47 am | | Reply

    She’s certainly right that white women have been the predominant beneficiaries of the quota system.

    From the article: “She said more women need to be involved in politics ‘because cultural diversity is a political tool for empowerment,’ and that women account for ‘only 13 percent of the U.S. congress.'”

    Women have had the vote for 80 years. They don’t seem to agree with her that representation should be by race and sex.

    The relentlessly negative image of race relations is hopelessly out of date. That Mrs. King feels compelled to dwell on that out of date image only tells me that she is financially, and perhaps personally, dependent on continuing to see the world that way.

    Black women, by the way, seem to be doing very well in the businesses that I know. Black men are a different matter, although slow progress is being made there. Would be better to talk about why black women are doing so much better, and how black men can get to the same place.

  2. Kate May 7, 2004 at 3:50 pm | | Reply

    Well, not to be a snark as I admire Mrs. King, but perhaps she has a special dislike for white women.

  3. Laura May 8, 2004 at 11:04 am | | Reply

    I guess if, in your worldview, white people are supposed to support anything that is good for white people, and black people for black people, and no one actually has principles, then what she said does make sense.

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