Kerry, Kerry, Quite Contrary

Kerry, Kerry, quite contrary,

How does your campaign go?

Well, not so well, because Dean sells…

I’m ‘fraid I’m in an undertow.

I apologize for the bad doggerel, but there’s really no more appropriate way to respond to John Kerry’s “Simon Says” comment.

In a speech in Iowa, Kerry criticized Howard Dean for being slavishly deferential to the opinion of other countries:

“Perhaps it reflects inexperience,” he said, “but for Howard Dean to permit a veto over when America can or cannot act becomes only a little more than a pretext for doing nothing. It cedes our security and presidential responsibility to defend America to someone else, and that is a profound danger for both our national security and global stability.”


“To follow the path that Howard Dean seems to prefer is to embrace a kind of ‘Simon says’ foreign policy where America only moves if others move first,” he said….

Fine. But in the very same speech Kerry also

criticized President Bush for what he says has been a “go-it-alone attitude (that) has endangered our interests and enraged those who should be our friends.”

“Nowhere is that clearer than in Iraq,” Kerry said.

The United States needs a president who will seek help from allies, not only in building peace in Iraq but in the ongoing fight against terrorism, he said.

So, according to Kerry, the problem with Dean is that he won’t act unless he first gets the approval of our allies, and the problem with Bush is that he acts without first getting the approval of our allies.

At the beginning of this primary spectacle I thought the Democrats suffered from a structure that required them to take Sharpton, Braun, and Kucinich seriously. Now I think they suffer because they have to take Kerry seriously.

Say What? (3)

  1. Stu December 17, 2003 at 3:29 pm | | Reply

    I got the giggles reading your Kerry piece. I really don’t know why because he has grown increasingly pathetic

    John Effin Kerry is the classic Ivy League New England snob. His knowledge is like a lake 100 miles in circumference and two inches deep. He mistakes his feral political ambitions for wisdom and his modest wit for insight.

    He also has utter disdain for the hoi polloi. And the breadth of his disrespect for those whose votes he covets is no more apparent than in his assumption that not only can he directly contradict himself in the same speech with no one the wiser, but that his audience will enthusiastically applaud both mutually-exclusive positions.

    As Bugs Bunny used to say, “What a maroon.”

    Keep up the good work, although I must admit that with Dean and Kerry satire is no longer possible. Lewis Carroll wouldn’t have stood a chance with politicians like these.

  2. Rebecca December 20, 2003 at 11:30 pm | | Reply

    Well, it’s no less strange for Kerry to contradict himself than it is for European intellectuals to praise Libya’s sudden decision to abandon its WMD program in the wake of Saddam’s capture, as “the triumph of negotiation – suck on that, George W.!” The Administration has it correct when it states that Libya’s volte face vindicates the pre-emptive strike against Iraq.

  3. The Bitch Girls December 21, 2003 at 1:26 pm | | Reply

    Holiday Cheer

    I didn’t think it would be very nice to leave you all with a “Bah Humbug” post, so I’d like to offer this holiday treat. I love watching Kerry running around in circles. He’s so desperate and it makes me

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