Polls: Public Opposes Preferences

According to an article in the Washington Times, two new polls find that most Americans support the Bush administration’s opposition to racial preferences.

A Time magazine poll found that 54% disapproved of preferences versus 39% who approved. In the Newsweek poll, whites oppose racial preferences by a margin of 73% to 22%, and minorities also disapprove, but by a smaller margin: 56% to 38%.

Say What? (4)

  1. F Murphy January 24, 2003 at 4:18 pm | | Reply

    The math is wrong here – how can a disapproval of 73% white and 56% minority possibly average out to 54% – this is a mathematical impossibility. I’ll look at the article as I am only reacting to the numbers posted at this website.

  2. CBN January 24, 2003 at 10:19 pm | | Reply

    The numbers are from two different polls that reached substantially different results (probably due to wording issues, but I’m just guessing). Reread the post.

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