“Gender Matters” (But For What?)

Inside Higher Ed assures us today that “Gender Matters.”

Does having a woman in the top job (or the No. 2 slot) make a difference?

When it comes to faculty hiring, the answer appears to be Yes. And having a critical mass of women on boards of trustees also makes a difference. These are the results of a study released Tuesday by the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute….

Among the findings:

  • Institutions with female presidents, female provosts (or academic vice presidents), and more women on boards of trustees saw larger increases in the share of female faculty members than did other institutions…..

So, women in power hire more women. And this is supposed to be, what? News? Good?

Pretty soon some organization will probably do a study finding that institutions with black presidents, provosts or academic vice presidents, and more blacks on their board of trustees hire more blacks. And institution with more non-Hispanic white male presidents, provosts …, etc., hire more white males, a finding that is routinely denounced as confirming pervasive discrimination and ignoring the principle of non-discriminatory equal opportunity.

Isn’t higher education and its research apparatus wonderful?

Say What?