What’s In A Name? Partisan, Race-Based Millennial Views

In “What’s In A Name? Partisan, Race-Based Millennial Views,” which just appeared on Pajamas Media, I take a look below the surface of the recent Harvard Institute of Politics survey of millennials that has received so much attention over the past day or so. Turns out that for both young blacks and Democrats it makes a significant difference whether they are asked about “Obamacare” or “the Affordable Care Act.”

I also discuss there an omission from the Harvard Institute of Politics survey that unintentionally highlights a stereotype that is nearly universal in all the discussions emphasizing that Obamacare’s health and even survival depends on its ability to attract young and healthy enrollees.

You’ll have to read the whole (though mercifully short) piece to see the what’s-in-a-name data referred to above as well as the stereotype-based omission from the survey.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO December 6, 2013 at 11:59 am | | Reply

    Recent surveys amongst college women on the repeal of sufferage….

    I call it Pelosicare anyway.

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