The National Organization of (Democratic)

The National Organization of (Democratic) Women – Faced with a choice between a respected 16-year incumbent in Congress who is pro-abortion, leader of the successful fight to enact legislation protecting battered women, endorsed by leading national labor, environmental, gay rights, and anti-gun groups, and who is also a woman, and a young challenger who agrees with her on all the issues, you would think the National Organization of Women would support the woman incumbent, wouldn’t you?

You should know better. Connie Morella, the incumbent, you see, has an almost fatal flaw: she’s a Republican. NO(D)W, which switched positions on sexual harassment when the Harrasser-in-Chief was a Democrat, is for all practical purposes an appendage of the Democratic Party.

According to an article in today’s Washington Post, NOW seems to be caught between a rock and a hard place (not to be confused with being caught between Iraq and a hard place; I’m sure they’re not ambivalent about that).

“I would say that there’s some real hand-wringing going on among our activists,” said Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, which remains uncommitted to either candidate. “It’s always a difficult position when you’ve got an incumbent who is good on your issues and a challenger who is very good.”

Really? Imagine how long NOW would wring its hands if Morella were a Democrat and Van Hollen, her male challenger, were a Republican. About a split NOW nanosecond.

Say What? (3)

  1. d. schultz July 25, 2003 at 12:08 pm | | Reply

    We have a big opportunity to win Demo seats and presidential election IF MARIO CUOMO, SR. starts speaking out on everythingn! Our most articulate, persuasive, intelligent chance. Maybe our only one.

  2. Anonymous March 8, 2004 at 6:50 pm | | Reply

    How about adding some integrity to the Kerry campaign by enlisting Nader as a running mate? It is a sure winner!!!!!!

Say What?